By jan420 - 09/11/2012 22:03 - Norway - Moss

Today, I paid a surprise visit to my parents, after having moved out for university last year. My room had been stripped bare and all the family photos featuring me were missing from the wall. When I asked why, my mom asked me in return why I was asking stupid questions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 751
You deserved it 2 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe cause your beauty was distracting to guests


Surprise !! Your adopted! But really, that sucks, to take all your pics down

amandalillian 27

Maybe they made a shrine to you in the corner of the house containing all of your pictures and that's why they think its obvious, because they thought you had already seen the shrine

I thought it was obvious that you should have used "it's" instead of "its" because you're 19, but sometimes things are just not that obvious to some people.

Maybe it's too painful to see you and not hold you? To miss you and not have you? To...(stfu) Ok I'm done.

At least they didn't leave the pics up and photoshop a different face over them.. Always think of the bright side.

dinodomrox 0
missnuthin 10

sounds kind of like what my mom did when i moved out for the first time. i bet she misses you and cant handle that you are gone, so she's done drastic things to cope with it. the defensive reply to questioning her behavior also sounds familiar to my mom's reaction.

They probably took the pictures down, so mom doesn't have to see your face while she play's in the new sex swing they installed in their new sex room.

EvilDave 13

OP, judging from your screen name, I would say they don't want to be associated with a pot head loser.

I would not say a word, leave and never come back