By Carmen - 26/02/2011 13:57 - United States

Today, I painted an area I had carefully sanded, cleaned, and taped off. I pulled a fan out of the closet to help dry it faster. I turned the fan on, and a million dust particles flew off onto the wet paint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 830
You deserved it 31 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NEVER put a fan on wet paint, even if its brand new out of the box. You should always allow the paint to dry naturally


JustinThunder 8

That's why you should hire other people for these things.

YDI for being incredibly stupid. Really....

alex84957 0

I don't blame you. A lot of people wouldn't have thought of it.

NEVER put a fan on wet paint, even if its brand new out of the box. You should always allow the paint to dry naturally

FYL that must have sucked so bad, I know I would have gotten so frustrated.

Because, of course, you would've anticipated dust flying off of the fan blades onto the wet paint.

i would. Ever cleaned a fan from the inside? No? See. Found teh point. Plus, I wouldn't try to make it dry faster, I'd right away buy the right paint. Or be patient enough to wait, because wrong drying can **** this thing up in so many ways. I don't think waiting is that horrible, since a whole room last year took about an hour to dry. That's not too much

randiZ25 0

Unless you have many coats to apply and only a short amount of time. Actually using a fan would be the smarter thing to do, shortens the time thus less time for accidents to happen.. OP YDI~I don't usually YDI unless a married husband gets caught, ect. You can see the dust and mess build up on the bank of a fan..