By anonymous - 04/04/2013 22:52 - United States - Spring Valley

Today, I picked my 12-year-old daughter up from school after her first sexual education lecture. She burst into tears on the way home explaining her fears of being pregnant with her boyfriend's child. As if that doesn't sound bad enough, I've met her boyfriend before. He is imaginary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 737
You deserved it 4 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be proud she isn't having sex with a real one!

Airman1988 9

Well her imaginary boyfriend better man up and take care of that imaginary baby. God forbid he deny it then you would have to take her on imaginary Maury and get an imaginary DNA test...


I was sexually active at that age. I wouldn't be surprised if the girl had told her mother that the boyfriend was "imaginary" once her mother overheard her talking about him to a friend or something. Now, she can't really go back on what she said because she's too confused or ashamed. Plus, she didn't say to her mother that she was pregnant by her "imaginary boyfriend," she just said her boyfriend. I think OP just doesn't want to deal with the reality that her 12 year old may be sexually active, especially since she obviously hasn't had "the talk" with her yet; she was just waiting for the school to do it.

Phoebe_Buffay 14

I'm pretty sure kinds that age should not still have imaginary friends/boyfriends

Portland_Jane 4

How odd. I guess it's time to have a good sit down conversation and find out if this boyfriend is real or fantasy. she could have said he was imaginary when in fact he is real. Or he could be a fantasy; in which case you may have an issue with her understand the difference between fantasy and reality. We all daydream and have fantasies. Most of us know the difference and know that fantasy sex doesn't lead to a real pregnancy.

Tell her to be sure to use imaginary condoms only with her imaginary boyfriend. If it turns to a real one then its time for real condoms.

Axel5238 29

Feel bad for the OP if she's 12 and freaking out about an imaginary friend she needs to talk to her about it. I'f she's that young and maybe sexually active the OP really needs to talk to her. That age is way to young to be having sex and most kids don't understand the weight of the potential outcomes like getting pregnant or std's.

What the hell is wrong with your daughter?! I turned 13 in Feb. and I don't even know anybody that naive. Maybe 12 year olds not in California are like that.

How did her school mess up sex-ed so badly that anyone could think you can get pregnant from anything other than unprotected sex with a human of the opposite sex? I know some people have theories that imaginary friends are ghosts, maybe you should be worried that a ghost is having underage sex with your daughter. After you explain that you can't get pregnant to your boyfriend no one else can see.

Mankind will one day remember a time when kids used to be kids.. enjoyable and innocents.. they're turning into weird ****** up short people with very sharp voices...