By Anonymous - 21/11/2011 22:39 - United States

Today, I popped a boner while my braces were being tightened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 879
You deserved it 7 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps you would have preferred something like this?: "Today, my substantially average sized penis filled with blood and I found myself with an erection as my licensed orthodontist cordially tightened the metal wires that had been previously laid upon my semi-crooked teeth. I did not know what to do. Fornicate with my unfortunate existence."


Darklord53 0

So OP likes pain in his mouth?

mynewaccount 8

Hey now don't feel bad OP. I get aroused everytime I go to the orthodontist too!

fernclogger 5

Where you wearing shorts or what?

Is the orthodontist cute or are the dental assistants cute? How old are you anyway?

i have the orthodontist for brace tightening in an hour...Hm. Here's hoping he doesn't pop a boner and rub off my shoulder...

Like wishing your orthodontist was Jennifer Aniston from Horrible Bosses.