By sparklethelette - 07/12/2011 01:38 - United States

Today, I put a blue toilet cleaner square in the back of toilet. My fiancé called me later on freaking out because he couldn't get the "blue water to go away" when he flushed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 037
You deserved it 3 496

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im2Handsom 1

You should of acted confused too, like " omg what is it?!"


gingerftw 0

Lol I would of just laughed the whole time

He's a real winner. Get ready for this for the rest of your life. FYL

hateevryone 14

and that's who you're going to marry?

OP is confused. This isn't even a problem.

I would've gone over there to "investigate" then acted like the cleaner was trying to drag me in and "fight" with it then yanking it out and throwing it at him.

Why do people stay with dumbasses and then whine about having a stupid partner?

omggtfomi 1

You should of been like oh my GAWD WHAT!? O_o

crewge6 4