By tina247 - 24/01/2011 15:50

Today, I realised that my husband's vows were actually the love speech from 'When Harry Met Sally'. This was made even more humiliating when I discovered that he hadn't even come up with the idea himself, he had seen it in an episode of Scrubs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 849
You deserved it 5 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MarineWifey88 3

I remember that episode, lol. At least your husband likes good tv! On a more serious note, make him sleep on the couch for a few days.

As long as he meant what he was saying, does it matter from where the words came? You are lucky to have a husband who loves you. He was probably just nervous about the ceremony and stuck with something that worked.


NO WAAY!! I JUST WATCHED THAT EPISODE!! but sorry to hear that :(

Maravilla4 1
constantly_alone 0

I'm sorry but this made laugh till I cried.

"ill have what she's having." dude, he's just being a man. and, hello, Billy crystal = awesomeness!

plus, I have sensory dysfunction, which is similar to Asperger's, and when words fail me, I just quote song lyrics. does my girlfriend care that I tell her she's the last of the American girls? nooooo, because she knows I love her and that's how I express my feelings. (I'm a girl, too, btw)

Good thing scrubs is a great show.

Mattxy8 5