By ireallylikecats - 22/04/2015 13:31 - United States

Today, I saw a lady with a stroller in the park. She stopped at the water fountain and got a drink, then left without her baby. I ran to the stroller and started rolling it after her. Two grown men attacked me, accusing me of trying to steal said baby. Turns out it was a baby doll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 295
You deserved it 2 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Plot twist, the grown men were fighting you for the baby doll


shiny_shipper 28

Maybe it was a social experiment?

Its sad that you can't do something good without being accused of being a criminal. That's why i say **** everybody. i don't do anything for anyone anymore.

Sounds like one of those shows where people do things normal stupid people do, to get reactions.

I feel like Chris Hansen is behind this one

1. The woman is a dealer and the drugs are stashed in the doll or pram. 2. The two men are the buyers of said drugs, no naturally upset when OP tries to steal it. 3. While the woman was having a drink she was really collecting payment of said drugs which was hidden underneath.

4. The doll threatened her, and she ran

The fact that she's a lady should have tipped you off. Men are better at forgetting toddlers and infants in strollers, cars, parks, in tubs etc... . Women especially moms usually fail to do so. That's why men are the superior gender... (I'm being sarcastic, feminists with pitchforks and torches)

Astrum14 24

You're doing a disservice to men and women both with that claim. Forgetfulness doesn't care about your gender. I'm a woman and if I had a baby, I'd forget it somewhere on the first day.

Exactly. My sister totally forgot my niece once for a second in the car. That was her first child and was getting use to having someone else to look after.