By Anonymous - 29/03/2009 05:04 - United States

Today, I saw a spider in my bathtub, so instead of killing it, i decided to bring my dog inside the bathroom to kill the spider for me. Turns out that the spider was a black widow, and my dog was bit. The dog killed the spider. The spider killed my dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 90 157
You deserved it 185 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oiii, that's so terrible!! I'm sorry to hear that. ):

vicious_ 0

Wow. This is why you run water when the spider is in the bathtub. Poor dog.


Poor doggy. Did you take it out old yeller style? Or did you just left it to die? Either way, I think you must be what they call "girlie man." Man up! Next time you see a spider, kill it before it kills you! It's like a jungle out there, buddy.

#63 Its a brown recluse. And OP You my dear are sincerely a dumbass. Why wouldn't you take the dog to the vet if it was acting sick? People like you don't deserve the privilege of taking care of another animal. I sincerely hope you're not allowed to adopt or buy another dog. EVER.

to kill poisonous spiders yourself and not with a dog?

GoMeat4103 0

The red thing on it's abdomen is on the underbelly, meaning the OP wouldve seen a slightly weird looking black spider.

SilentGround 0

why would you ever have your dog kill a spider and in turn risk hurting the dog? i'm really sorry though. i have three dogs, and i know how much it would kill me if i ever lost one of them :/

Oh, your poor puppy... Did anyone think that maybe she just didn't get a close look at the spider? If you're an arachnophobe, you're not going to stick your face near it and examine it.