By jaydiv - 22/11/2009 09:15 - Australia

Today, I saw my cat outside taking a dump. I pulled back the curtain and watched him clean it up, because I found it fascinating that animals can do that. I must have been standing there for several minutes before I noticed the neighbour next door looking at me being fascinated by my cat pooing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 578
You deserved it 36 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments


perdix 29

It was the part about you licking your lips the whole time that grossed your neighbor out.

xoluvinshayxo 0

wow cool. he musta been like "wtf??" kinky idea muchh? lol

HAHAH that is a slightly awkward situation :| ha

Your neighbour's right, watching humans is more interesting. Even if those humans are not doing anything more fascinating than watching cats.

Antivirus_fml 0

Nothing to worry about, your neighbor would've thought you're into scat. CAT + SCAT = WIN :D

Cats do not "take a dump". Cats poop. Come on.

nklinker10 0

#11, your a dumbass. With all the words you said correctly, using them properly, you mis-use the word "their". You said their idiots. Their is showing possesion, "It's their toy." The way you used it, "their idiots", is not correct. You need to use they're as it means they are. "They're idiots, They ARE idiots." Just like you. Don't try to be all smart and shit when in fact, you are not. Thanks

He put "their" in quotes because its wrong, he was immatating the people who use their, since its wrong. Idiot.

lololol111 0

You used "your" in the wrong context. Isn't it funny how you managed to do that while telling somebody off for using "their" incorrectly? Good job, dumbass.

baby_gurl2405 0

wow..............CAT PERVERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet your cat didn't feel very comfortable when you started watching its do its business... Poor cat, must be scared for life now

why is everyone saying you deserved it? you didnt deserve it at all.

Because the OP is a weird pervert. How can an animal cleaning up its crap be "fascinating"? I really can't think of anything amazing about it. And also the fact that he watched it for "several minutes"...