By Rejection - 04/05/2010 07:33 - France

Today, I sent my boyfriend a naughty pic. I then asked him if there was anything else he wanted before I got dressed. His reply? "No it's fine." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 008
You deserved it 15 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SarahMarie83 0

Fast Forward about 2 weeks and we'll see an FML where your ex-boyfriend dumped you and posted your "naughty pics" all over Facebook.

ryguy997 0


oh, it's an FML because he doesn't demand dozens of dirty pics? what?

u ever think he might just be masterbating to the pic ?

BabyGirll_0620 0

I hope he cheats on you know. haha. That made me laugh for a few seconds

Nanael_fml 4

I don't get what you wanted him to say..

He was probably too "busy" to reply with another answer...;)

I don't get how this is an FML? It's not that bad

magnetic_aura 26

Because the first picture was enough to get him there. ;-) It sounds like a compliment to me.