By Anonymous - 16/12/2012 23:02 - Ireland - Waterford

Today, I spent nearly half an hour trying to dispel my sister's belief that men have to strap down their penises before going jogging. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 722
You deserved it 4 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well not EVERY guy is hung like an elephant, BUT..

Well... I know if I dont tie it down I would come home with red marks all across my chest.


Giluh 19

Actually, in all seriousness we kind of do. That's the whole purpose of men wearing compression pants

Thats a good idea. Its never fun when your nads are brutally attacking your thighs.

TwoOneFive 11

Only if it's 12 inches and more

This is the most penis talk I've ever heard in one place, and I'm in high school :P

Epikouros 31

Yeah, we ran naked, but usually we tied our floppy bits down with a thin leather strap around the foreskin.

Stop lying to your sister, we all do it, I personally use hot glue for that purpose alone, otherwise i get creepers staring at me.

Why do you care if your sister believes you on this penis issue?

Different solutions for different events: for instance, we sometimes wear our dongs as neckties to formal events, but only when the risk of an erection is minimal, as we could strangle ourselves with our own throbbing meat.