By JZ. - 30/10/2009 13:34 - New Zealand

Today, I submitted my 5000 word assignment. When I got home, my mother asked if I'd checked it through one more time like she always warned me to do. I hadn't, therefore hadn't noticed the paragraph on page 11 that she'd written, telling me to pay attention to the small details. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 928
You deserved it 13 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omg who in the world would do such a thing... I would give my mom a sound tounge lashing if she ever tried to do something on that scale. Its your work, not hers. I say you walk around correcting her work for the next month, see how she likes it

If you're old enough to be issued a 5000 word assignment, aren't you also old enough to do it without mum helping?


Baylorbound2012 0

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pancakes_n_syrup 0

good for you... But I agree with the FYL, but it's also a YDI. YDI because you should check your work right before you print/turn it in just to make sure, but also FYL because that was pretty mean of your mom to do that.

americayay 0

Eh. I disagree that she deserved it. She could've checked it over a hundred times while writing it. Her mom just wants her to do things exactly the same way she does them and that's just mean.

I think instead that her mom was only trying to be helpful, but it was over-the-top for her to critique the paper without informing ahead of time. _____________________________

Tell yo mom to make you a sammich!!! YDI

If only you paid attention, you would've noticed that you should've paid attention!

xxCFHxx 0

If it was a 5000 word assignment, then yeah, it should've been looked over and double checked a few times. But FYL for having such an intrusive mom. If it makes you feel any better, my mom once logged onto our family computer and proceeded to 'clear up disk space' by deleting 60% of my files, including a term paper because she'd asked me to do it a few weeks ago. There's no rules basically for being a parent, but there are ways to do it wrong.

That's so stupid, I hope you gave your mum a lot of hell for doing that!! Parents should learn to butt out of stuff that isn't theirs and that includes deleting stuff that doesn't belong to them!

cxal_fml 0

She could have double checked it 10 times in the days prior to needing to turn it in, only to have her mom add the paragraph afterward. After all, how many times do you recheck your work. And if you aren't stupid, you don't need to recheck it in the days before its due because you've already done so

albert17 0

why don't you just take out that paragraph and re-email it...?

Omg who in the world would do such a thing... I would give my mom a sound tounge lashing if she ever tried to do something on that scale. Its your work, not hers. I say you walk around correcting her work for the next month, see how she likes it

I agree with #3. Delete her stuff, collect some papers of hers and bank accounts.

YDI for not paying attention. You should always listen to your mom dumass.

If you're old enough to be issued a 5000 word assignment, aren't you also old enough to do it without mum helping?

OhHerrrooo 0

love this comment. very true.

Some people like feedback on their work. It's not unusual for someone to show their assignments to a family member or friend to have someone give them their opinion before turning it in.

Well in school you write assignments with 5000 words in 8th grade and freshman year, which ranges between ages 13-15 which could use a little help with things. We aren't talking about young adults here.

txgirl09 5

fyl. your mom should let you make your own mistakes not risk your grade to prove her point. Yes she is correct that you should in fact always give your work one last look but that is your paper and your grade she messed with. I hope the teacher had a good sense of humor and didn't fail you because of it.

UsernameHere_ 0

He never said she helped him, he said she wrote a paragraph about him needing to pay more attention without his knowledge. Which, btw, is pretty ****** up. His grade will probably suffer for it, and he obviously put at least SOME effort into the paper, since it was 5000 words. And honestly, how many of you would got back and read through a 5000 word paper that you JUST WROTE? I'm guessing very few.

I always read over my papers multiple times before printing. I also ALWAYS did a last check to make sure I didn't miss anything. I thought it was pretty standard practice. I also reread papers after I printed them out. I was a pretty bad student, too, lol.

Well u c I always re-read my papers it's not that hard actually. It's just reading.

Haha, pwned by mom! This is pure awesomeness. ^^