By princess - 17/03/2009 05:06 - Canada

Today, I texted my boyfriend of 6 months saying that I was in the mood, and that I was in bed, and naked. He texted back saying "U got fingers, use them, im going to bed xoxo". FML
I agree, your life sucks 151 937
You deserved it 40 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So he couldn't be arsed to have phone sex? So what? Usually it takes a long time and the guy could have brought himself to ****** at least twice by the time the dirty talk turns the women on enough to climax. I see no FML here. More like FMF (**** my fingers). Buy a vibrator. On a side note it's really his loss. Phone sex can be very hot. :)


AlexJakubsen1 0

maybe you just need to lose weight baby. hahaha

Not everyone's schedule revolves around you, OP. Some of us have to get up early tomorrow. We aren't just going to drop everything just because you're in the mood.

LifeSux19 0

LMFAO Its time for you to get a virbrator.

Bubs_fml 0

#29: "stop a minute or two before he has to come (when he says its going to be close) then tell him he has hands and point him to the bathroom." ^ ^ Now, that isn't even a suitable "revenge" for the boyfriend not being able to drop what he's doing or not sleep because she's in the mood. That, my friend, is a real bitch move. Just stopping in the middle of sex and telling him to finish himself? For what, revenge because he wasn't able to answer your beck and call? If a girl ever did that to me, instead of going to the bathroom, I would get dressed, walk out and never speak to her again. Then again, I would never just go "Hey, get over here, bitch. I'm horny." Maybe I'm just a little less concerned about myself and more interested in keeping other people happy.

liveitlearnit 0

hahahah my boyfriend does shit like this. get over it though, you really DO have fingers.

@ #37, 6 months? You don't have to be hoe, but how old are we again? This isn't high school. "True love" isn't waiting anymore. @ #43, you're right; it isn't the same. It sometimes is better.

lilbyrd43 0

lol@true love is waiting. that's funny

a man denies sex once, and it's an FML moment? my god what is the world coming to

infantrygirl 0

Hahaha... oh boy. Seriously LOL.

lpblue 0

#32, you've obviously never been with a wrestler. We don't have an off switch.

ifeelinfinite 0

well, at least he said "xoxo" (: