By Anonymous - 26/03/2009 14:54 - United States

Today, I texted this girl that I really like. I got a message back saying "Your message to 903-***-**** could not go through due to a disconnection, thanks, Alltel services." I overheard her later at lunch saying she sent the message, and laughed with her friends about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 769
You deserved it 9 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's when you grab your phone, and pretend to take a call, then walk by her, telling your "friend on the phone" that you did the dare, but that the fat bitch's phone was disconnected. then make a comment about her being poor and keep walking.


You don't want to be with someone so tactless.

Its possible he didn't notice... you can send texts from online at your carrier's website and put whatever call back # u want. Dude, that sucks!!!!

ahaha i live in the 903 and have alltel, that scared me at first

dirtyrascle 0

the last thing id want is a random boy who fancied me actually sending me calls. texts are much more appropriate, you can IGNORE them if you don't want to interact. sure he may have gone overboard with the attempted communication, but that's no reason for her to be so douchey about saying leave me alone and then mocking him in public. uncool.

# 3 he prob did notice, shes still a bitch

0hnine_0hfive 0

Wow some chicks are just plain B****es !!!

your a fukin dumbass.... i could u be texting a girl "today" and then then "next day" at school u hear her talkin bout it??? can u time travel or sumthin??? god damn teach me how to do that shit.... o yea... and next time you make up sumthang.... atleast be smart about it "My life sucks so bad i have nothing better to do than to post fake fml's online all day... FML" dumbass