By breakinphones - 20/02/2011 02:03 - United States

Today, I threw my brand new iPhone 4 in the air whilst laying on my bed. It came down, went through my fingers, landed on my balls, then broke on the concrete floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 636
You deserved it 81 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheComputerGuy96 16

YTDI, not for throwing your phone in the air, but for specifying it's a brand new iPhone 4.

Hah, you totally deserved that. Why the **** would you throw a phone that expensive in the air? You're ******* stupid.


If you paid for it yourself then you probably know better than to treat your phone like a tennis ball. For the OP to be so reckless with his phone it probably means the phone was given to him and he understand the actual value of it.

Steve95401 49
yoman305 0

I throw mine in the air all the time. The difference is I know how to catch.

why would you throw your iPhone 4 in the air in the 1st place EPIC FAIL

FriskyCoconut 0

firstly, why where you throwing an iPhone?? secondly, why is your bedroom floor made of concrete? thirdly, YDI

skrump 0

I throw mine in the air but I can catch it. and for when I don't catch it, I have a case for it

somebody doesn't have an otter box! I throw my iPhone AT people and across a parking lot once to break up an argument (it gets peoples attention) YDI for not having an otterbox

gusgus36 5

haha yeah I have an otterbox for mine... makes it ALMOST unbreakable lol it's pretty sweet