By freshman15 - 22/10/2009 18:47 - United States

Today, I told my dad that for Halloween I'm going to be an '80s workout Barbie. He just looks at me and says, "Yeah as the 'before' picture". FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 120
You deserved it 8 109

freshman15 tells us more.

freshman15 0

Ok. I am the OP. I used to 116 lbs and i gained a little weight in college and now I weigh 134lbs. I don't think that is fat and I dont appreciate being called that. But I know by sharing my funny story I run the risk of getting these nasty comments. The nasty comments definitely made my excitement from gettign posted vanished but I will get over it. When my dad said this comment to me I laughed very VERY hard. My dads a funny guy and I didnt take it personally because I love my body and I am comfortable which is all that matters. I posted this story to make other ppl laugh because I think laughter is the best thing in the whole world. I chose this costume because it cost me $10 and i wasnt going to spend $60 smething on something skanky like every other college girl (sorry for those who arent i dont want to generalize). And for the record there is not and never was and spandex involved in the making of this costume. Im wearing an oversized sweater and shorts, tights, legwarmers (etc). Halloween on a budget ppl. So to those who made nice comments, thank you I just wanted everyone to laugh. And to those nasty mean ppl who have nothing better to do than bring ppl down, sorry you think 134lbs is fat and I'm sorry there arent other things that make you laugh besides hurting ppls feelings. Kirstie aka freshman 15

Top comments

How come everyone assumes, that when someone is called fat, that the OP in question is 300+ lbs. or something? I'm 145 lbs. myself. Some people see me as a fatass that needs to get liposuction, while others wonder if I even eat. It's a matter of peoples' narrow opinions sometimes.

fat and spandex = NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Oh my ****, the fat rolls swallowing the spandex between the folds must resemble a neon supernova. Not to mention the HORRID mooseknuckle. :C


Gavik 0

Ew, keep your fat to yourself. Stupid fatty.

I don't know how people here can be so mean. Come OP, let's go eat some chocolate cake. I pay! :D

You can have chocolate cake too, toxi :)

livexlaughxlove1 0

She's not necessarily fat. She could just not be toned enough to be the "after" picture.

clockworkrainbow 3

Yeah... YDI for being fat... -.- No, you wont get sympathy around here for "fat people" FMLs. Not saying you really deserve it or your life sucks. If you're comfortable with your weight, awesome. If not, work out.

fat and spandex = NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Oh my ****, the fat rolls swallowing the spandex between the folds must resemble a neon supernova. Not to mention the HORRID mooseknuckle. :C


You're such a sad and bitter person.. want a hug?

bobbycombo 0


emanftw21 9

That was funny. but that's kinda a dick move

Skull_300 0

Did you tell that prick to **** off?

perdix 29

He's just telling you that you'd be better off putting on some brown plastic garbage bags and going as a potato. You can still wear the poufy hair-do and stupid headband, as long as the bag hides them.

How come everyone assumes, that when someone is called fat, that the OP in question is 300+ lbs. or something? I'm 145 lbs. myself. Some people see me as a fatass that needs to get liposuction, while others wonder if I even eat. It's a matter of peoples' narrow opinions sometimes.

Nope, no one wonders anything. The world's health community has deemed you as a fatass. Also a lazy-ass and an over-eater. I go to the gym 5 times a week, you can too, lazy-ass.

Unless you're like 6'5", no one would "wonder if you even eat" if you're 145 pounds.

I am going to assume that is sarcasm.

Then you're going to be wrong. It was a slight exaggeration with the 6'5" thing, but a woman can be 5'11" and 145 and be a healthy weight. You would have to be very tall to be 145 and have people think you are anorexic. Consider the fact that most supermodels are around 5'11" and 115 - 120.

bobbycombo 0

im 5'7'' and 156 so am i fat

No I have a friend whos 5'6 and shes 160 and shes really skinny.

pancakes_n_syrup 0

Not possible..5'6" and 160lbs..that's a tubster

Or muscular. Muscles weigh more than fat. But still, that doesn't seem like skinny weight. Hm.

consider most supermodels have eating disorders, work out for ten hours a day, and are on drugs. 115 isn't a healthy weight for people who are 5'11" or so. read a ******* book, idiot.

gracieroxursox 3

I'm 5'5'' and 130lbs, and I'm not fat. I would just like to point out that muscle weighs 2.5 the amount that fat does.

#20 that is such a lie. my mother is 5'2 and weighs 145. she is very skinny.

haha high five to your dad! That's something I'd totally say! But in a sarcastic tone..

Agreed with #9! I guess everyone has a different idea of "fat." If the OP had rolls all over the place, I doubt she'd dress up in spandex... unless she's super-confident about herself. In that case, good for her. Anyway, this doesn't seem so bad. My parents joke with me like that all of the time, and I'm certainly not fat. He was probably just trying to be funny. If he actually hurt your feelings, I'm sure he'd apologize if you told him.