By My_Cow_kiM - 28/04/2009 23:05 - United States

Today, I told my mom I'm severely allergic to my cat and that the doctor told me it would be best to get rid of the cat. Somewhat jokingly, I told her it was either me or the cat. She chose the cat. She was serious too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 450
You deserved it 5 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you're a minor and still going to school, that's sad but if you're like 30, living at home and paying no rent... clearly the cat should win it all depends...

#3 that's ****** up. You can't make people choose over two things they love. Most of the time it will backfire at the person saying it.


dannyrules49 0

wow what did u do to ur mom 4 her to like u as much as the stray anmial liveing in the house??

Your mom is totally crazy. She values a cat more than you? What kind of mom is that?

hobosareawesome 0
doglover100 28

Get animal control to get rid of the cat.

Sorry kid, I'd pick the cat too and put your ass on some allergy mess.