By insideout - 10/05/2009 20:25 - United States

Today, I told my parents that I was going out with my boyfriend and they agreed to let me go as long as I was home by midnight. Did I come home on time? Yes. Was my shirt right side out? No. FML
I agree, your life sucks 264
You deserved it 489

Top comments

lol. how could anyone vote that her life is F'ed.

Oh common, there's plenty of other explanations to why your shirt was inside out. Oh wait. There's not.


Amen to that #79!! Couldn't have said it better myself. and to the OP: i understand HOW your shirt got inside out, but i don't get how you didn't notice. I mean... really? Is it that hard? Maybe it's just my g/f, but she is /VERY/ tedius about cleaning herself up after sex so this very thing doesn't happen. but whatever i guess, this isn't really an FML, more like a "oops, i got grounded for a week or so... maybe"

albert26 0

Well thats what you get for having sex with out me there

Lol this actually made me laugh. Props for being home on time, it's more than I've been able to achieve in the long time. Your parents will forget, no big and your life certainly isn't F'd.

My parents would bust me if I came home and my shirt wansnt inside out... Hurrah fro spazz's

Now I'm going to worry about this happening to me lol.