By zed - 09/09/2012 17:21 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I took a girl out to dinner. Halfway through, she sighed and asked if it was all an episode of Disaster Date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 923
You deserved it 3 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trix_Disorder 20

I hope you said yes, claimed you were going to get the host, and then left her there. Rude.

RealTalk0 7

You should have said, "Yeah. You're the disaster." FYL OP


It's not that hard getting a date...although most are psycho, which is why u gotta weed through the hoards of ppl to find that one that's worth it...I'd say OP got lucky!

Agreed. Dating is easy. Finding the right one is the hard part.

rallets 22

you shoulda been like; "yeah it is." and walked away

007type 26

Wow! A girl capable of meaningfull sarcasm, gotta love her.

zingline89 18

Yet another FML from Alberta...see I'm on to something folks...

dominic1221 6

I'm lost. What are you on to exactly? That Alberta's a big chunk of land?

zingline89 18

My reply to the Kentucky comment on that FML pointed out that, out of the last 50 FMLs, only 2 were from Kentucky but 5 were from Alberta. This would make 6, right on cue :)

starman02 12

There is not anything wrong with AB! I didn't see the other comments ( or FML'S yet) about Kentucky and Alberta but I figured since I live in this beau province I should probably say something.

AFloppyWetWhale 6

I know where you got that profile pic from, that's one of the funniest YouTube videos I have ever watched. XD

He's referring to the comment I made abt Kentucky having a crazy week on one of the previous FMLs, but he replied saying it was Alberta which had more fmls and ironically this FML happen to be from Alberta... I got u bro!

You should of jumped up said, I'm an actor, these are actors, those are hidden cameras and you're on MTV's Disaster Date! Then ran out.

#13: Based on the amount of corrections that can be found on this site pertaining to the "should of" mistakes, there is no excuse. No offense #7 :)

13- Wow, quite the over reaction. Rough day at the office or something? ;( Here, breathe with me: Innnnnnn....... Ouuuuuuut...... Grass is green, sky is blue, everything O-K, Daniel-San. ;)

3pi 6

U should of said yes and walked out on her! Lol Must of been one awkward date

3pi 6

Sorry I don't read every single comment on here unlike some ppl sitting on the ass checking every single comment to find mistakes to thumb down LOL