By Anonymous - 05/12/2010 18:25 - Singapore

Today, I took a nap because I've been sick for the past week and I was exhausted. When I woke up, my hair, shirt, pillow, and bedsheets were soaked. I threw up all over myself in my sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 747
You deserved it 3 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've done this when I was sick once. lucky you didn't choke to death.

That sucks, but you could've died if you didn't open your mouth when... it came out. You would've suffocated on your own vomit. So, embarrassing funeral dodged, right?


Dude... this will teach you to sleep with a bucket near you! That's what I do at least.

The op was asleep when s/he threw up. What would that bucket have done?

LOL good one #31 :) The irony of a puke bucket going out to a bar, then puking on someone is hilarious! OP hope you feel better!

ghostland 0

at least there was no one sleeping next to you, although it would have been funny

Make sure to sleep on your side while you're fighting this illness. Throwing up in one's sleep can be very dangerous if you were to aspirate on your own vomit (this can cause death). Hope you feel better soon.

I'm surprised you didn't choke on your own vomit

Lol at #35 for the cross FML reference

Shutuptroll 0

One reason weed is better... I am baked.

I know someone who died from that in January :( OP, that's really gross FYL but it could have been worse.