By redmethod87 - 08/04/2009 16:08 - United States

Today, I took my dog to the puppy park to meet girls. I met one very attractive girl, she loved my puppy, and she asked for my number. As she took out her phone, my dog defecated on her feet. She was wearing sandals. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 015
You deserved it 6 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

F your life??? F her life!! Bet she'd change places with you in a heart beat


I think that dog wanted her more than you. He was just marking his territory LOL.

#61 - Awww - "and they called it , puppy love..." But seriously, thanks for posting back. ... And give our love to Madison and ... poo-foot.

wow. saw this in a magazine a few years ago.

In fairness, it's kind of noticeable when a dog is going to do that, so if you're taking an untrained puppy around it wouldn't hurt to keep your eyes open. Guess she didn't care if she called, but other people might.

dont blame the dog. IT got u the girl, IT has the right to chase her away. the piss is unfortunate though

Cockblocked by your dog, FYL indeed.