By lilmamma - 05/11/2010 17:29 - United States

Today, I took my four year old son to the playground. When it was time to go, he squirmed out of my arms back to the jungle gym. Not being the type of mother to put up with bad behavior, I swatted his rear and told him we had to go. That's when I realized I'd just spanked the wrong child who was wearing the same coat as my son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 139
You deserved it 50 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i bet that went done well with the Kids mother.....

Forever, you can't compare molestation and spanking. I was spanked as a child, and I'm not brainwashed or scarred. I have a 4 year old, and while I have not spanked her, once she is old enough to know right from wrong, I will if I need to. Corporal punishment will not land you in jail. Beating your child will. But spanking, no. And I like how you used both "their" and "there" incorrectly in the same sentence. That was amusing.


Why would you even post this on FML You should be busy dealing with the incoming lawsuit you idiot.

You shouldn't hit your kids anyway! unless you wanna end up in jail, you should of bribed him

nightwing86 0

Why is everyone overreacting? Yes, she was in the wrong for swatting the wrong kid but srsly.. swatting is not that big of a deal. It enforces discipline.

It doesn't enforce discipline, it inforces fear of the parents in the child.

better than rewarding them for acting like little ***** so they stop misbehaving like most parents do these days. children then only learn to act up so they actually get what they want.

Good thing your a woman, they will let it slide. If you were a man, you would be looking at 20+ years for kidnapping and assault.

restythestar 0

today a woman spanked my butt in public cause she thought I was her son. I'm not. FML

to all the ppl arguing about spanking, chill! all parents have different methods of parenting

DRock525 0

first I think how close were you paying attention to your kid? then I think, that kid is scared for life.