By jgboy - 14/09/2014 15:32 - United States - Franklin Park

Today, I took my girlfriend of a year out on a date, a nice fancy dinner and a movie. After dinner, I said that I was feeling sick and just wanted to go home. I didn't have the heart to tell her that dinner was so expensive that I didn't have money for the movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 181
You deserved it 9 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#ThugLife We've all been in a similar situation, making up something so you don't have to say that you don't have cash. No hard feels...

ash0158 15

I'm sure she appreciated dinner! I'm sorry you couldn't take her out to the movie though, next time set a budget for each event maybe.


FML because that's really sad and embarrassing.... but ydi for 1. not planning ahead and 2. not just telling your girlfriend the truth. you've been with her a year, I'm sure she would understand

mattmsk005 8

You should of. You may of gotten something else instead.

Man, it is your life, so you decide what is important to you. My opinion is very simple: is it really worth it? Who are you trying to impress? What are you trying to prove? Give it a thought.

It's okay! I'm sure if you tell her, she'll understand. Good luck OP!

It's the thought that counts right? As long as you guys had fun and a good time :) Plus maybe instead of going to the movies you could have had a small movie night.

Just remember next time see the movie then go to dinner, so that way you have something to talk about.

Never be ashamed to tell her the truth especially if it's been a year already she'll understand.