By Anonymous - 04/11/2009 05:18 - United States

Today, I totalled my car. I flipped it over on the freeway and broke my collarbone in the process. I was in extreme pain and unable to move. It took the ambulance an hour to get there in rush hour traffic. The song repeating on my iPod was, "Don't Worry, be Happy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 121
You deserved it 5 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Da docta says your bone did break... he might have to litigate.. so don't worry... be happy. ;)

DasHaas 9

As long as you are happy, you heal faster. Consider it a helping hand on the way to recovery.


Mr_Valentine 0

#113 FYI where not in the 80's you dipshit. This is the 2000's so go to the store and ******* buy something you ******* asshole!

betty_roxker 0

Umm im sorry but this is just hilarious . I hope you feel better though . So Dont Worry Be Happyyyyyy (:

well you better have been ****** happy! jk I feel for ya. fyl

YDI for driving listening to your iPod, that's dangerous. it's better if you have it on the speakers at least.

the song is called three little birds, by bob marley not don't worry be happy

MetalCraze 11

The op means don't worry be happy by bobby mcferrin not some bob marley song

YDI for listening to your iPod while driving.

Here is a little song I wrote You might want to sing it note for note Don't worry be happy

YDI. women shouldn't be allowed to drive.