By Anonymous - 29/10/2011 07:43 - United States

Today, I tried sneaking over to my girlfriend's house to be romantic and knocked on her window. She went and got her mother to see who was at the window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 460
You deserved it 23 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

you could of been a creeper. how could she have known? thats why she sacraficed her mother instead.



You should run home and post about it on Fml. Oh, you took my advice, I see.

His face was probably like #1s picture.

iFizzgig 11
GoodLookingGeese 10

Try to find a more bright GF or stop whining..

Don't move. She won't be able to see you if you don't move :)

swimchica22 0

You know what's even more romantic? A DOOR.

Her mom probably didn't find it that romantic...

You know what they say.. "what a drunk man says when drunk is what he's thinking in his mind when sober"

No one was drunk. Where do you get that from?

Next time just knock on the front door...

Try the boombox over your head trick next. If she calls the cops, I think you should just leave her house.

rallets 22


24 - I've been singing 'what is love' for the past two hours thanks to you.

Next time the OP should read over the post before they send it.

Hell yeah! Around Halloween time, he could have been Freddy! (:

youcunthole 0

I'm watching Halloween right now

flockz 19

you could of been a creeper. how could she have known? thats why she sacraficed her mother instead.

Rectov 10

Or turn on a light and look outside...

ThatLooksSticky 16

Text her before you try to do that again. Add a bunch of

ThatLooksSticky 16

..."less than threes" to keep it romantic and classy though.

I suppose just a "I seeeee yooooou" won't do the trick.

This stuff was romantic before the invention of mobile phones.

Well how was she meant to know it was you

And that's when you run before mom gets you with her shotgun