By Anonymous - 13/04/2018 15:00

Today, I tried to get the day off because of snow and ice on the roads, which had already caused 2 accidents close to my house. My boss just called me a useless millennial, fired me, and hung up the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 332
You deserved it 1 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Plot twist: OP is (was) a snow plough driver.

Zachary8261 28

Find a job that understands. I’d call this a blessing, not a curse.


Wow, your boss is a regular Miranda Priestly. Unless you are an essential employee (like a hospital worker), any boss should understand you not wanting to risk your safety to get to work. I'm sorry.

I work in group homes and have about a 45 - 60 min commute. in rough weather my corworkers would rather I stay at home than risk me geting potentially injured. OP should call HR.

Evan Coomes 5

I wouldn’t wanna work for someone like that anyway.

corky1992 33

Find a job where your boss actually cares about his employees safety.

Who's willing to bet that OP's boss took the day off?

jello_bellied_snack_snapper 18

you deserve it for being a millennial 😂😂😂 seriously tho best of luck finding a better job with a non-psychotic boss ☺

Right, because he totally had control over when exactly he was born. /s