By random - 13/05/2013 15:06 - United States

Today, I visited my grandparents at their farm. When I went to pee in the outhouse, I noticed a round thing in the middle of the hole, so I peed on it. It was a beehive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 553
You deserved it 23 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damian95 16

Come on now what's all the buzz about? All this hostility stings and its buggin me. Lets bee nice and just focus on how stupid this pun is.


"Ooga Booga" That's not how "Crash Bandicoot 2" took care of beehives!?

perdix 29

That's teach you to stick your dick into unknown holes. In a few weeks, you'll bee as good as new, but if you keep that up, you're going get a permanent disease on your stinger.

That's logic for ya....Oh look, something round! I'll pee on it!

Well, good thing you were a guy and not a girl.

I grew up on a "farm" Pissing in the garden is the best way!

I understand why he owed on it. So people saying he was dumb, shut up. Outhouses tend to be almost pitch black, so he might have thought it was a hole. Sorry OP, try not to bug any bees anymore. It might pi** them off. Just let them Bee.

NagainaFier 16

That's why you always piss behind a tree (after checking it, of course) if there's no inside plumbing... Like hell you'll catch my ass in an outhouse- that's a horror film waiting to happen! At least behind the tree I can squat and walk... (Er, run, if it's a horror film)

It brings a whole new meaning to "burns when you pee"...