By Noname - 25/02/2009 22:06 - Canada

Today, I walked downstairs in a new outfit, after dieting for 3 months, and losing just over 20 pounds. My mom took one look at me and said "You'd better keep going." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 773
You deserved it 3 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was so evil! 20 Pounds is awesome. You should be proud!

ummmyeahhh 0

20 pounds is a lot, esp. in just 3 months. don't let the success stop you from maintaining it, but ignore what your mother says. she's just jealous she can't lose that much that quickly.


holynemesis1208 3

My mom used to say the same kind of mean things to me. Then when she started losing weight, she expected everyone to fall all over themselves congratulating her. ... And with every pound she dropped, she got bitchier and bitchier. She lost 50lbs but my sister and I hated her more than ever. Then she gained it back and got nicer.

hayleyyy 0

Dude, I'd kill to lose at least 20 pounds in that time period. It took me a whole year even with diet and exercise to go from 190 back down to 154. Your mom's a bitch, sorry.

ohgodohgodohgod 0

Shenanigans. No ******* way a parent would have the pair to say that to their child.

jojo23jojo23 0

ehh don't have high hopes with your parents. i lost 40lbs in the space of about 4 months, weigh around 110 now, and my parents still tell me i need to exercise on a regular basis. but good job on you :)

Well you SHOULD still exercise on regular basis lol but to stay healthy

I agree with 34. So you know, i'm 5"8 and 103lbs and people tell me i should gain weight. The thing is that the world and nature are unfair, and i have great genetics to avoid gaining weight. Yes, i eat chocolate, i drink coke (real coke, not light shit), but i can't gain weight. If you are overweight and feel bad about it, then stop being on the computer, go for a walk or on the bike when you need to move, try to eat a bit less, chew slowly, avoid little snacks inbetween meals... There's no magic formula about losing weight and getting better health:) Don't try to loose weight thinking it'll get you better. It maybe healthier for some people to lose weight, but not for everyone. I know bigger persons way more healthy and in greater health than i am

So, if losing 20 pounds didn't make a dent in your excess fat, maybe your mother is being encouraging. If you got this far, the rest should be easy, because you proved to yourself you can do it. It's not an FML. It's a "congratulations, you're getting where you want to go and just need to have faith you'll get there."

You're mom is a bitch for saying that. I would have smacked her ass as hard as I could. She had better have been kidding, and even then. Good job on losing 20 pounds. Keep it up, and forget your mom's bitchy comments.

if your mom is still complaining about it after losing twenty much DO you weigh? o_O