By Catscratch - 01/09/2009 18:51 - United States

Today, I walked into the kitchen and saw a note my roomate posted. As I got close to read it I was attacked by a very pissed off cat. The note said "Left window open last night, stray cat got in. Watch out he isn't friendly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 474
You deserved it 3 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Leave him a note saying, "Hey, man, I left the door open and a rather large homosexual man came in. Careful. He's a bit TOO friendly," and have a huge guy come out of the corner right then.

Gingerly 0

Are you retarded? Stray and Feral cats can be really mean, they'll attack the shit out of you if they feel threatened.


Dogman332 0

Put a tarantula in his bed, and leave a note saying 'Oh sorry, I left some bugs in your bed and this tarantula came, watch out he's a little bitey.

YDI because instead of reading the note u shuld be playing world of warcraft

Haha yeah your roomie could have probably posted the note elsewhere, hopefully y'all can get the cat to leave soon. I don't think leaving the window is a bright idea either, thankfully the cat was the only surprise y'all got.

Hey lyrics man, do Cat Scratch Fever or something

Omg. First FML that actually made me laugh out loud.

princessprttiful 0