By fuckoffandfuckoffagainyoucunt - 17/08/2012 16:27 - United Kingdom - Sittingbourne

Today, I was at the gym, when a pretty overweight guy started staring and eventually taunting me. Let me tell you, lines such as "Lay off the cake, fatty!" and "I can see your gut hanging out your ass, for fuck's sake!" don't exactly boost one's self-confidence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 599
You deserved it 2 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you said to him exactly what you put as your username.


Neongreenme 8

don't sit there and take that bullshit! stick up for yourself!!! if he doesn't back off insult his sorry ass.

pwnman 33

Lol I'm so stupid. I thought op meant the guy was a pretty guy as in good looking. But he referred it he other way. Although that guy is a dumbass.

doglady 16

He should talk, the douchetard. Get an iPod, plug in the headphones, and keep up the good work.

So if he's fat are you considerably bigger ? Either way no reason for such abuse

A6Chick 3

I would shove a cactus up his butt. .-. Smh.

fdeg4161 13

He's one to talk. If you ever see him again, and he gives you shit, fire a good one right back at him. Then plug in the headphones and go about you're day. He's just a sad, pathetic fuckball with a tiny dicklet that can't even give it to anyone.

KiddNYC1O 20

Asshole. Their opinion is worthless.