By Anonymous - 12/05/2009 03:43 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a really bratty little girl. She came and cuddled up on the couch so I took it as an apology. I feel asleep while she was sitting with me and when I woke up she had peed on me. She locked herself in her room and was laughing about peeing on me for discipling her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 709
You deserved it 7 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seems to me that for some babysitters it's okay to fall asleep when they are suppose to watch over kids.. When they are paid for watching over the kids... And then come and complain if something wrong or just stupid happen.. YDI, and you should be grateful that nothing worse happened.


sictransit_rosie 0
coffeennicotine 0

omg, wtf. That's what animals do, children should not be allowed to behave like animals. Her parents should be punched. FYL, indeed.

What a little ******* brat. Tell the parents, although it probably wouldn't do much good if they were stupid enough to NOT teach their kid that behaving like that is wrong.

You do now, the brat could have pee'd on the babysitter, even if she wasn't asleep. If the babysitter wasn't expecting A LITTLE BASTARD TO PEE ON THEM!

Moon_Kito 0

You shouldn't have fallen asleep, but that brat should have been smacked! Tell that brats parents and demand discipline for her and compensation for yourself! Seriously, I'd drop that brat down an up escalator D:

Ew, that's nasty. YDI it though for falling asleep. That is one bratty child though.

Lancer873 0

How is it YDI for falling asleep? Note she doesn't mention the parents, maybe this was over the night? One thing's for sure if her parents have half a sense of justice they're gonna punish that little girl SOOOOOOOOO hard.

Geez, kids are so freakin' spoiled now. When I was a teen babysitting, one sharp, "Do you want me to tell your parents?" was enough to get any behavior stopped! And now they're acting out for getting disciplined! She must not get much of it from her parents.