By rebeccacaissie - 21/11/2010 18:16 - United States

Today, I was being a little playful with my boyfriend when we began wrestling. He then put me in a choking headlock and wouldn't let me out until I "tapped out". FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 598
You deserved it 8 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MfailK 0

winner by submission ur boyfriend!!! PWNED

sourgirl101 28

I agree with you, but they were just playing. It's just like being tickled until you say "mercy". It's the OP's fault that she's a sore loser.


ashlucas 0

Omg! My bf did the same thing....

tell your bf(s) that there's no tapout scenario in wrestling. he must have it confused with MMA. how embarrassing for him, no?

Karnezar 2

I love wrestling with my girlfriend, I stop when she flinches or tells me to stop, though.

zivlaks 0

so basicly what ur saying is: i abused my boyfriend once or twice but im worried about OP being abused. yeeeeeeeeeeeah.

Me654 0

I hate you ijustlol, your comments are always so ******* annoying.

A real man knows when to be rough and when to be gentle. These hands are tools of destruction, but they can love too...

effyoubitch 5

158- shut up. I am definitely not a douche bag. But I am a huge mma fan :)

kimmiekimmiekong 0

tap out than? stop bitching, he was playing around, it's not like he hit u or anything! that was him being playful and if u don't like it than don't start it!