By CPN - 14/03/2009 14:55 - United States

Today, I was curling my eyelashes in my bathroom and while I was counting to 5 my brother flung open my door. I jumped and ended up ripping out all my eyelashes. Now I have to wait until they grow back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 86 335
You deserved it 9 111

Same thing different taste

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mpwga 0

wow. to all you retards out there. EYELASHES DO GROW BACK. u guys sound so uneducated. get ur facts straight before you post something completely false, thanks. and sorry about the lashes. sucks like hell.

Ughhh, that sucks, but on the plus side the DO grow back, around a month or so, I know this because I gained a terrible habbit of pulling out my eyelashes when I was stressed about stuff, I've stopped now, hope all goes well

I literally screeched 'OUCH!' as I read this out loud. I hope they grow back. And I suggest a lock.

did it bleed? you should just wear fake ones theyll look realer lol they grow back fast tho

affa99 0

Actually, eyelashes are the one hair on our body that DONT grow back...

sillygirl0 0

okayyyy first, eyelashes do grow backk. so people can stop saying they don't. ahaha this girl hated eyelashed so she'd always pull hers out and they did grow back no matter how many times she pulled them out. and she kept doing it even though it's likee wicked weirddd ahha. and don't worryyy, you'll have them again eventualllyyy. good luckkk ! (: ps, i'd get one of those things that you put on your eyelashes before mascara to help them growww. i can't think of what it's called right nowww. goodd luckkk againnnn !

if you feel the need to curl your eyelashes you're a **** and deserve to have that happen

I once ripped the fake eyelashes off my furbie. Accidentally, of course. Also, why not just wear mascara?