By TMI - 20/04/2009 17:12 - United States

Today, I was emailing my professor about what chapters our test is on this afternoon. She accidentally emailed me informing me of the date she went on last night, including that she "got laid... yay!!" and a picture. I still don't know what chapters I'm being tested on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 113 382
You deserved it 7 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pretty sure that's more of a FHL. And with that information on her, I really don't think you need to be studying.

adelaide_evening 0

Are you kidding me? It doesn't matter what chapters you're getting tested on, you have blackmail! Don't even do the test. Instead, write a short answer question summarizing the events of her night and how students hearing about their teachers sex lives is traumatizing and will require extensive therapy.


Haha that's crazy. Don't worry about the test. She better pass you!

lol guys, why does it have to be a bad picture. Can't just be a picture of the man?

hudo 0

Today, one of my students e-mailed me asking me what chapters were going to be on the test. I accidentally e-mailed him personal details of a date I went on last night, including the fact that I "got laid...yay!" and included a picture. FML

ohhhhshizzz 0

Ya'll really aren't all that smart, blackmail=illegal. You'd be screwed either way but that is just an image I'd never want to picture. FYL & YDI.

kscott88 0

Wow. I hope it wasn't a sex picture.

How can you blackmail a professor she has a right to have sex! Honestly just because she is an educator means she can't engage in sex, I am pretty sure that isnt how it works.

gleidu77 0

this is HILARIOUS, not an fml at all! definitely fhl.