By thatguy - 26/12/2009 23:46 - United States

Today, I was feeling proud of myself because I finally quit World Of Warcraft. I later found out about the gift my dad's family gave me. It was a 12-month subscription to World Of Warcraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 497
You deserved it 8 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

): my brother loves that game and has tried to quit soo many times... it's extremely hard


I might sound like a total nerd by saying this but if I gave a crap, I wouldn't be saying it at all. Best. Gift. Ever.

liveitupx 0

I play MMO's (recently started wow), but as long as you don't get too carried away, there's nothing wrong with it. If you only play when you've got nothing else to do, then there isn't a problem. I don't understand why its that hard to quit if you want to quit.

come play with me. i'm bored. stormreaver ftw.

OMG! GOOD 4 U seriously, my bros r OBSESSED.... and now they r totally different people... i cant even get near them anymore... wats ur secrete for quitting?

Manny_B92 0

Baseball bat to the computer?

the one problem with wow is there is u can never actually beat the game...there is always something fun to do and u usually meet some cool people on there which is what usually keeps people coming back for if u play with friends it makes it even more fun that's why I play at least

I used to play to WoW, and I don't think that quiting the game is the best thing to do. If you really like WoW, keep your dad's present and try to reduce the time you spend IG. It hasn't to be "black" or "white"' you have to be between "everything" and "nothing".

Poor baby, trade it into smokes outside your highschool.

Why would you wanna quit WoW anyways? It's an awsome game