By confusedphotographer - 19/04/2009 18:09 - United States

Today, I was fixing some photos for a client. I spent 20 minutes trying to Photoshop an unusual black dot out of a picture. Only then did I discover it was a black dot on my computer screen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 859
You deserved it 64 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

After the first minute wouldn't you notice that the paintbrush wasn't covering the dot?

designedlikedice 0

You should have realized it wasn't on the picture a long time ago. FYL for being so stupid.


average_girl 0

hahahah ur stupid!!! it wouldve taken me 5 seconds 2 realize it was on my computer! lol

Now you'll know this mistake and avoid it in the future :)

#93, it wasn't a dead pixel, sounds like it was a piece of dust or something on the surface of the monitor xP

tab_ga1990 0

I do that exact same line of work I'm going to college for it. Its real stressful! Yeah I would of been mad if somthing like that happened to me. If it did it is usually im so in to trying to fix it, somthing being on the screen just doesn't cross my mind. Glad you figured out the problem though!

I've had something similar happen. I smoke outside with my laptop, so things get on the screen. Dust, smoke, little bugs that decide the screen is an attractive light. You get the idea. I noticed a defect in one of my own sites. It was a period in a sentence that shouldn't be there. It was in the first page that showed, so I didn't have to scroll to it. I blew on the screen, thinking it may have been an ash or something. It didn't go away. WTF. So I got my editor opened up, scrolled to the code, and there's no period there. I reloaded cleared the server cache (my server is set to cache pages so they can be delivered to the clients faster), and it was still there. I worked for maybe a couple minutes, including opening up the editor, connecting, etc... Then I realized that it was a piece of dust (or something) that was nicely stuck on the screen. I didn't notice it on any other pages, because it was so insignificant. It only stood out when it happened to coincide with the text. It wasn't enough to post, and neither was this one. It was a "I feel stupid" moment that no one else knew about. Well, until now. :) So, don't bash the OP too much. It happens to the best of us. I've been doing this for more years than most of you have known how to work a computer, so I should have known better. We all make mistakes. I gave my screen a good cleaning. But, as I'm writing this, I'm looking at my screen, and I see extra dots on it all over the place. Its just that none coincide with the text, so I hadn't noticed. Time to clean it again. :)

bioagg12 0

wow you are so stupid. seriously. go jump in front of a car

Haha, believe me, I feel you. I'm a professional photographer and when I've been working towards a deadline early in the morning, this has happened to me too. ...It's never taken me twenty minutes to realise it, though. XD.

kwbuzz23wk 0

i am not gonna read through to see if someone already claimed this, but... whomever entered "today, i wasted 5 seconds of my life reading *insert this FML here" i just moderated that and could not stop laughing... you just made my day

5ive 0

funny story buttttt.... are you seriously that big of a dumbass that you sat there for 20 minutes trying to figure that out? & how is your life F**ked?!?! & @ #105 i JUST read that one too! haha