By grossedout - 09/12/2010 02:26 - United States

Today, I was helping an old lady at my job. While I was in mid-sentence, she coughed wet phlegm directly into my mouth. It tasted vile and caused me to have a panic attack while working. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 877
You deserved it 3 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Don't worry, OP. It could have been worse. She could have spit her dentures out at you also.

Lmao, ew. FYL OP, go wash your mouth out

mintcar 9

Omgsh, thats incredibly disgusting. I can understand miniature droplets from coughing, but phlegm is pretty thick. How'd it end up in your mouth? Maybe I'm not reading the FML correctly. It's 4:00 am, time for bed.

Mr_Zachary 0

Should have given that old hag a flying kick in the meat curtains.

schwancy 2

Is it just me or do the most recent group of FMLs all seem to have grammar issues? Wake up mods!

Why do old people think they can get away with whatever they want? Oh, because people don't like to say anything to them about their lack of manners and respect. “Oh, she's old. She can't help it”. Bullshit. I hope you told her what a dirty c*nt she was.

schwancy 2

If Horton taught us anything it's: "A **** is a **** no matter how small".

that_guy_ollie 0

loool u just made my day thank you ! x

that_guy_ollie 0

haha 33 you've just made my day :D i have a cookie for you here but ill probably eat it before you claim it :(

Savor and swallow. Old vintage phlegmy. Delicious.