By Nissan_David - 18/01/2010 06:09 - United States

Today, I was helping my friend put up a wooden fence at his new house. I was holding the sections of fence up while he nailed them in with an air powered nail gun. The gun malfunctioned and fired twice putting the second nail through my hand and into the wood. We had to pry the nail out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 450
You deserved it 2 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm so sorry, that's extremely painful.

Fuuck ... My hand hurts from reading this. D:


Flutist 3

Wow everyone said Jesus. But I wonder if you can't turn this around. Cool scar? Go out with a Catholic chick, tell her you got stigmata from praying and this is the first. Or that you were trying to see how Jesus feels. Instant lay.

This is a true FML. A permanent scar for life, albeit in a short experience that can be laughed about later.

Melissaluvsyou 0

Holy Shit D: Ehh. it really does make me think about Jesus. but my goodness ! ouch.

s3klyma 0

*Insert 50th comment about Jesus*

funny, he was able to type out his painful, my friend, painful. can't trust those power tools; one burned a hole through my friends' shirt once when it malfunctioned!!

Then how are you typing? You fail at failing

paramorefan125 0

...........dddaaaaaaayyyyyyuuummmmm...........yeah thts all I cn say

Kuroftw 0

You do realize you could have tetanus if you haven't gotten the vaccine? YDI for not calling 911

Are you serious? 911 gets enough calls for real problems. Most people are vaccinated for tetanus and if the wound was bad then they could just go to the emergency room. I've been injured worse than a nail through the hand (cutting halfway through my finger for example) and still haven't used 911. It's meant for life-threatening issues...

VolleyballSMASH 1

If he is nailed to a board, he can call 911. 911 was called when my friend broke her wrists on a class trip. He should have gotten the doctors to unstick him.