By man - 08/05/2009 21:46 - United States

Today, I was hit by a car. I called my girlfriend from the hospital and asked her if she could pick me up. She responded by saying "Fuck you, you aways tell me what to do!" and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 359
You deserved it 10 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bitches like that make me ashamed to be a woman. Time for her to become an Ex. I hope you're well!


okaytrees 0

YDI for always telling her what to do

mxrxnda 0

you can't exactly blame this on pms. it doesn't make girls that mean. and even if she is honestly that mean and you aren't just portraying her as a heartless cockatrice, then dump her. problem solved.

****! That's why I'm gay! Poor you! (hugs)

that sucks your life is ****** indeed

zee209 0

Why is it, in every boyfriend/girlfriend FML people tell the OP to dump him/her? people really dump someone for every tiny little thing that happens? Relationships aren't perfect, and either are people. There will be fights, misunderstandings, etc....that's what a relationship is about.

#33: What if she could barely move it hurt so bad? I saw an FML about cramps from it that she could barely move. Wouldn't you be a wee bit po'd?

I want that person as my new best friend :D

iluvcody 0

YDI for being a controlling douche.

hahayou12345 0

I agree with #7. You need to review your relationship with this girl and work things out, dude.

#38: The car hits you. Thus you get hit by a car. If it's bad enough, they'll take you to the hospital. You can then sue the driver who hit you. If the car was going slow enough and you're sure you're okay, you'll either leave the driver alone or complain to them. If you're extreme, sue them.