By captfml - 15/12/2010 22:32 - United States

Today, I was in the bathroom in a rush to get ready. Without thinking, I put hand soap on my toothbrush. I didn't notice until it was already in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 308
You deserved it 27 705

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"I didn't notice until it was already in my mouth." Sounds like my ex-wife.

It's ok, I'm a doctor and I can help you. Go play leapfrog with a unicorn. It's the only cure. Sorry.


Did you curse prior to this? If so, YDI.

oh thats not a fml. dentist some time advise ppl to brush from soap too....not a big deal

spanelli 16

Some English professors also advise proper spelling.

You must have a real potty mouth. That is why most people have to wash their mouths out with soap.

Does that mean they use a lot of foul language or talk a lot of shit like #57 here?

spanelli 16

Take your own advice you queer.

perdix 29

You've surely dropped a few f-bombs here and there, so you needed to wash that mouth out with soap. Unfortunately, you are probably going to go blind, of . . . thoap poithoning!

Omg your life is completely ruined! Rinse your brush, rinse your mouth. Apply regular paste and I doubt the taste of soap will remain... Even if a friend told me this happened to them, I dont even think I would laugh. It might get a little snort at best and a "You retard" comment :)

FFML_314 11

Where does it say that these stories are life ruiners? If you don't like the story, why comment on it? It's up for a reason.

Seanie 0

not to split hairs, but it does stand for '**** my life'...does it not?

FFML_314 11
RedPillSucks 31

It's meant to be for stuff that messes up a moment or day for you. No one would be on this site if it was full of things like; Today, my village was raided and I was raped. My brother was forced to fight for the army while I was used as a sex slave. FML. Today, my doctor cut off the wrong leg. They still had to remove the other cancerous one. FML. Today, I back out of the drive way and ran over my son. FML

Seanie 0

it was supposed to be under 38

tayebee 0

should have check up on it beforehand

how the hell do you mistake hand soap for tooth paste, even if your in a rush??