By Told_You_So - 09/07/2009 06:33 - United States

Today, I was in the car with my mom and dad. My mom turned around and asked, "Have you had sex yet?" I said no, which is true. My dad cracked up and said, "Told you so!" My mom frowned, took out her wallet, and handed him $20. My parents bet on my nonexistent sex life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 063
You deserved it 5 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments


They probably wanted to ask but didn't want it to just sound like an awkward bit of parental prying, so they came up with this as a "cool" was of asking. There's a Sherlock Holmes story where he gets some information from a market stall holder by pretending he and Watson have a bet on the outcome. I like your parents.

#113 So OP's parents are Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson? The things you learn...

Ya know, it's okay to not be a ****. That's a little known fact.

its better than them calling u a ******* *****

Good. A virgin is better than a *****

xninix_fml 36