By sierraisfucked - 02/06/2009 07:55 - United States

Today, I was in Walmart with my mom. I was looking for some CDs I wanted and saw a cute guy. Then he nodded at me and as he started to walk towards me, I hear my name being called over the intercom. Apparently, according to my mom, it was time to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 486
You deserved it 4 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aaaand you didn't think to pretend it wasn't you? Give him a shortened version of your name or something, then get his number and exit (casually) stage left. Too easy.

wow MOMS you must stop with the embaressment.. but then again, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't have half of the great fml's on here!


1nicent1 0

wow, these are getting old... ever week there is atleast a new FML that is always similar to this 'parents calling on the intercom'... ugh. but im not saying it isn't real but if it is, that must suck. FML cause i have no proof this isnt real

YDI, it's called a "Meet Up Time" and if you had one and missed it, maybe you'll learn something. It doesn't matter if it's your mother or your friends, share where you'll be and when to meet up. It's called common courtesy.

zeusseta 0

Today I lost my daughter in a store and had to call her. FML Ur lucky she cares ydi

i agree with # 14 u just embarassed yourself

fml1358 0

that's hilarious but i agree with #86 and #14. you definitely embarrassed yourself. you could've ignored the announcement and pretended it wasn't for you

Shadydeals 0

Buying cds at Walmart is pretty weak.

moonlit_manga 0

It's ok there are plenty of other fishies in the sea! But the timing was alittle of on this one... ^-^; --fox

yeah. no sympathy because 1. you could have pretended it wasn't you and 2. you were at wallmart

phoenixhix06 0

Hahaha tht blows. Def something my mom would do tho.