By Lolrus - 28/03/2009 16:50 - Qatar

Today, I was jogging through my neighborhood and then I notice this cute guy running beside me, we stoped and flirted for a while and my mom drove past. She then rolled down the window and said "Honey, you owe me for the dry cleaning on your period pants." FML
I agree, your life sucks 103 174
You deserved it 5 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments


llllight 0

Have you heard of tampons? Also you're kind of an asshole for making her dry clean those for you. Hand wash them yourself or something and buy more absorbent pads/tampons.

rachel42 0

gah big damn deal! Every single girl gets their period. and whether they admit it or not, all guys know it. We have accidents. Suck it up. Shit happens.

Tick_fml 0

Wow. I just wanna know why she would feel the need to say that right there and then.

No shit!!!!! I feel SO bad for you!!!!!!

agree with #4, that is the lulz although that is a pretty bitchy thing for your mom to do

love_lucy 0

number 11: she said DRYCLEAN, meaning she can't wash them which would involve water and girls have accidents jeez, my period was so heavy when i was younger that the first day of almost every period i would bleed through unless i changed my pad every class or two which is impractical... and i'd wear NIGHTIME pads and it would still go through

skygirl27 0
redhusk89 0

hope you said something along the lines of "I wish I knew why that woman was stalking me..." Don't worry so much he was probably more mortified than you were at your mom and it might have even strengthed your chances. no way it's a YDI but I doubt you're life is really F'd