By Anonymous - 16/12/2009 20:53 - United Kingdom

Today, I was making out with my girlfriend in my room. About two minutes into it, my cat walks in and jumps on the bed with us. Without hesitation, my girlfriend tells me to stop, rolls over, and starts petting my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 583
You deserved it 6 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awwwwwww. So cute! Sorry, I just have a thing for kitty cats. Looks like your girlfriend does too. Lighten up.


You should of have started playing with "her" cat....O_o

****... Blockin... B1tch!!! That's 4 for Dave!!!

NotVeryOriginal 0

tsk tsk tsk your girlfriend stroked the pussy before you did

I JUST HAD A ******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and the world needs to know this because? tranquilizer anyone?

Awwwwwww. So cute! Sorry, I just have a thing for kitty cats. Looks like your girlfriend does too. Lighten up.

Rule 14 of owning pets: If you want to have sex or make out with your partner, SHUT THE DOOR.

Seriously, been there, if you don't appease the cat it will often start playing with anything flopping about, or you know how they like to sit on a book your trying to read? Yeah, this could have been way worse, just close the door.

"anything flopping about" My mind just went to somewhere filthy as I imagined the kitty going all ninja-attack-warrior on the guy's exposed shlong. xD

True, but shutting the door wouldn't stop my cat. If my door is shut and he wants in he will just paw at it until I either throw something at the door or open it.

It is VERY true! Only problem is that my cat can open my door...