By Anonymous - 24/11/2012 13:59 - United States

Today, I was playing with my four year-old cousin. He had a toy whale and said, "Shark!" I corrected him and told him it was a whale. He picked it up, threw it at my face, and yelled, "SHAAARK!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 468
You deserved it 7 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Just chase him with it and pretend it's a shark that wants to eat him. Then grab him and tickle him mercilessly. I'm sure after that he'd wish he'd said it was a whale.

watermelon1 35

At least he didn't call you a whale, and then throw the toy at you.


See what happens when you try correct everyone and be smarter than people, you get smacked in the face.

Yes, we should all bring our kids up to be ignorant dumbasses instead of educating them or encouraging self improvement. This is already a world where people can't tell the difference between a gerbil, guinea-pig or hamster and that thinks Sherlock Holmes was a real person.

There's a difference between gerbil, Guinea Pig, and a hamster? And what do you mean Sherlock Holmes isn't real? Man are you ******* with me?

Too bad he didn't yell "DUUUUCK!" instead.

doondagr8_1 9

Whale you should've known it was a shark.

Off topic - back in my country it is rude to correct someone who is older than you specially the elderly, no matter how wrong and stupid they sound.

PeytonBieda 8

This is not FML-worthy. At all.

i feel like this is shark abuse. its pretty obvious this shark has been over fed. cut him back to a few sardines a day and make him exercise or this is serious neglect...