By fatty magoo - 29/07/2014 18:20 - United States - Kirkland

Today, I was pulled over for distracted driving. I'd been eating a donut. Let's just say the officer didn't appreciate being offered one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 295
You deserved it 15 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mif_fml 27

It only works if you're Gabriel Iglesias and offering a box of Krispy Kreme.

…does that mean that you donut recommend trying it?


Should have should have bought more for the whole police force.

Admit it OP you were really pulled over for doing donuts in your car.

you my friend,deserve a metal, brave soul.

i really wanted to see if you want contest this in would you explain the situation..worry op you never know how you get pulled over and for what reason

The only way you could make it worth would be offering a chicken or watermelon to his black partner.

Dreamsorrow93 24

I am interning at a police department. to say thank you for allowing me to job shadow them I brought them donuts. officer asked if I was trying to fatten them up. I replied no I was trying to say thanks and donuts were the most stereotypical thing I could do.

headofmedusa 15

My neighbor is a cop and when I got my pet pig, I took her over for his granddaughters to see her and he laughed and asked if I was really "bringing the pig to see the pig."

Dude, if I was a cop, I'd confiscate everybody's food. I'd let them think they were bribing their way out of a ticket, but who would really be the winner? Me. :)

dude, nobody likes being reduced to a cliche lol