By Noname - 16/03/2009 04:05 - United States

Today, I was rejected from the University of Washington. My dad has been a professor there for 30 years, and is on the board of admissions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 439 377
You deserved it 103 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vonstrangle 0

That must be equally embarrassing for him.

Obviously you assumed you could just get in because your daddy works there and probably didn't try to do well in high school. Your loss.


crazydoug 0
rockandrollbf 0

Maybe you just weren't good enough to get in. Jesus christ, quit whining and apply to another college. Your dad being on the board of admissions should have nothing to do with it.

Gavik 0

It's cool man. I applied to University of Washington and got rejected too. But my dad wasn't a prof there. Guess it's not so cool after all...

Yeah...with so many ppl applying, it was extra competitive this year. i applied and got accepted... i think i'm pretty lucky...

pinkpikachu 0

Awwwww. Tell yourself they are cutting back admissions for budget cuts (:

oh yuppp UW!!!!! My brother goes there, its hard to get in! its okay Western is an equally good school did you apply there?

a more appropriate FML would be "i got accepted to university of washington and have been attending there for four years"

Sorry to hear about that! Well, there are lots of other schools you can go to

Welcome to the real world. It always smacks you in the face the first time.