By Peter Steele love - 18/10/2015 00:49 - United Kingdom - Clevedon

Today, I was sexting my boss. I realised that I wasn't texting my boyfriend after I'd sent 2 nudes, and received many sexually provocative responses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 126
You deserved it 19 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It really sucks that you got such a big response from your boss, but maybe you should have checked the name before sending such revealing photos.


It's actually groady & that phrase went out with the 80', time to catch up..... by about 30 years.

This is how I found out one of my ex bfs was cheating on me. He texted me by mistake. I would just clear things up with your boss

Boss is gonna view you in a whole new light!!!!

Prepare for the close the door confederation, lol

I think it's only fair you get a little bonus now.

Going for the "pictures or it didn't happen" thing?

On her boss' phone. At least TRY to follow what's going on. Sheeesh!

I haven't heard the word grody since grade school... Awesome!

Hopefully she just clears it up although it would still be awkward

I'm not sure I understand how this happens... I've never accidentally sexted the wrong person