By Anonymous - 09/01/2016 04:01 - Argentina - Lanus

Today, I was showing my step-dad old photos of the family. We got to a picture of me and I mentioned how much weight I've lost. He muttered, "Heh, fat AND blind". FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 398
You deserved it 2 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is very disrespectful of him. You should tell someone you trust how you feel and get it sorted out. Good luck OP.


That is very disrespectful of him. You should tell someone you trust how you feel and get it sorted out. Good luck OP.

Completely uncalled for. You should be very proud OP..

jazzybaby179 22

Good job Op! Just say 'oops sorry dad that was a picture of you'

jazzybaby179 22

"Oops! Sorry dad that was you before the operation." Or "Its miraculous how far you've come dad!"

jazzybaby179 22

Thank you! You understand me :p

Wow, he's rude. I wonder if your mom knows how mean he is to you...

Damn. He's a mean old bastard. Sorry you have to put up with this ******* douchebag.

Sometimes people think they're being clever and funny when they're just being really inconsiderate and rude. You should let him know that wasn't right of him to say that.

Mathalamus 24