By dumbblonde - 06/08/2009 03:04 - United States

Today, I was sitting at the computer when this really annoying fly kept landing on the keyboard. After a while, I took the bottom of a pen and squished it. Twenty minutes later I absentmindedly started chewing at the bottom of the pen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 273
You deserved it 62 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would have loved to see your face at the moment you realised.

f_my_life88 0


YDI FOR KILLING A FLY. AND CHEWING ON YOUR PEN. AND HAVING A COMPUTER. AND A HOUSE. AND A LIFE. SOME PEOPLE HAVE NONE OF THOSE! once again, i'll appreciate your constructive criticism on my post. thank you and have a nice day

f_my_life88 0

wow seriously?? ...that just wasn't funny (#7)

Funniest and grossest FML ever! I love it!

you need to learn how to count :) unless you were expecting someone else to put first as you were typing haha @OP also i never smashed a fly with a pen you must be like a ninja! a very absent minded one at that...

Aish_fml 0 must be some bad ass to be able to squash a fly with the bottom of your pen, dude...

I agree with #15. Considering how quick flies can get away if you try to squish them, it's amazing you managed to crush one with the bottom of a pen. Unless it was like a giant pen.

TrollofTrolls 0
Kiwi_Splash 0

True. It takes a lot of concentration and a presumably excellent grip. As for chewing the bottom of the pen, how expected! It's the one thing I can't control.

yea, OP, ether u have a giant pen, or you are very skilled :)

My dad can snatch flies out of the air. Then he throws them on the floor and kills them. I keep trying, but they always pull up just before they hit the floor. I must throw like a girl or something (hahurr) But yeah, usually I just smash them with my keys if they're on the keyboard. Pen's a different one for me. YD eating flies for being stupid... just get a fly-swatter lol

perryscherry 0 absent minded ninja...i like

governator 0

whats up with all the retarded fmls..

Your fault for trying to end a precious should have been punished a lot worse than just that. People who kill things should all be punished, maybe that will teach them a lesson. Every life is a miracle, I'm sorry you felt the need to end one because it landed on your computer.

Koibito_fml 0

If you've walked, you've killed something. Not an FML (it's just a bug, get over it XD), but gross. I chew on pens all the time when I'm reading and don't realize it, so it must suck to be doing something and suddenly realize 'my, this pen is quite tangy!'.

paopao2 0

what is wrong with u chilax dude calm douwn k plz

paopao2 0

perve she didnt need to be and how do u know she wasent

FAIL but in a good way (for you at least)

sukhdeep 4

none fmls make me laugh. im not a serious person and whenever my friends roll on the floor laughing i have to fake it FMl

blackredwhite 0


f_my_life88 0
delfinofrank 0
Imawhalerider 0

free food lucky bastard give me some. You know some people who posted other fml's like the guy with the dad faking acceptance letters. sounds like you could share fates.